Alicia Keys Agent Contact, Booking Agent, Manager Contact, Publicist Contact Info

Alicia Keys Agent Contact, Booking Agent, Manager Contact, Publicist Contact Info







Who is Alicia Keys?


Alicia Keys is an American singer, songwriter, record producer. She is also actress. In 2002, Alicia earned 5 Grammy Awards. Alicia becoming the second American recording artist to win five Grammys in one night.

Alicia Keys Bio


Alicia Keys Birth Date: January 25th 1981

Alicia Keys Birth Name: Alicia Augello Cook

Alicia Keys Full Name: Alicia Augello Cook

Nick names: Lellow

Alicia Keys Birth Place: New York, United States.

Alicia Keys Nationality: American

Alicia Keys Parents Name: Teresa (Augello) and Craig Cook

Alicia Keys Spouse: Swizz Beatz

Alicia Keys Children: 2

Phone number – Alicia Keys

Contact Details – Alicia Keys


Alicia Keys Agent, Manager, Publicist Phone Number

Welcome to our celebrity agent phone number database Here you can see Alicia Keys booking agent, manager, Publicist and their contact information. If you want the Alicia Keys mailing address and Email address or their management team, booking agent, or booking agency emails, then you can check out this article. Also you can find the Alicia Keys booking info and all booking process and booking price or fees estimate here. You can contact Alicia Keys through Email address, booking agent, booking management staff, manager, publicist or any social media sources like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media profile.


Alicia Keys official Website


Alicia Keys Social Media Account:







Alicia Keys' Manager Contact Info


Alicia Keys' Manager:

Jeff Robinson

(MBK Entertainment)

240 West 35th Street

18th Floor

New York, NY 10001

Contact Info: 212-542-3270

Phone Number: 212-542-3270


Alicia Keys' Agents Contact Info:


Alicia Keys' Agents:

David Wirtschafter (Screen Agent)

Nicole David (Theatrical Agent)

(William Morris Agency)

One William Morris Place

Beverly Hills, CA 90212

Contact Info: 310-274-7451

Phone Number: 310-274-7451


Alicia Keys' booking agencies


William Morris Agency

Contact Info: 310-274-7451

Phone Number: 310-274-7451


Alicia Keys' Attorney Contact Info


Alicia Keys' Attorney:

John Branca

Ziffren Brittenham Branca Fischer Gilbert-Lurie,

Stiffman & Cook

1801 Century Park West

Los Angeles, CA 90067

Contact Info: 310-552-3388

Phone Number: 310-552-3388


How can I contact Alicia Keys Team management?


You can typically reach out to a celebrity's management or team through their official website or social media channels.


For Alicia Keys, you can try the following methods:


Official Website: Visit Alicia Keys' official website ( and look for a contact section or a way to get in touch with her team.


Social Media: Reach out to her on her verified social media accounts such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. While you may not get a direct response from Alicia herself, her team might manage these platforms and respond to inquiries.


Business Inquiries: Sometimes, celebrities or public figures have dedicated email addresses for business inquiries or media-related requests. You can look for such information on her official website or conduct an online search for "Alicia Keys business inquiries contact."


Fan Mail Address: Some celebrities have a fan mail address where you can send letters or requests. Check if Alicia Keys has a fan mail address available online.


Keep in mind that reaching out to celebrities or their teams may not always guarantee a response, and they are likely to receive a high volume of messages. Be respectful and professional in your communication, and understand that they might prioritize certain types of inquiries over others.


Please note that the contact information may change over time, so we recommend checking her official website or verified social media accounts for the most up-to-date contact details.


How can I contact Agent of Alicia Keys?


Some general methods you can use to try and contact the agent of Alicia Keys:


Official Website: Visit Alicia Keys' official website ( and see if there is any contact information provided or a specific section for business inquiries or bookings. Sometimes, artists include contact details for their management or booking agents on their websites.


Social Media: Reach out to Alicia Keys' verified social media accounts, such as Twitter, Instagram, or Facebook. While you might not directly contact her agent this way, sometimes artists or their teams respond to inquiries made through social media, or they may guide you on how to proceed.


Talent Agencies: Alicia Keys might be represented by a talent agency or booking agency. You can try contacting reputable talent agencies and inquire if they represent Alicia Keys or have information on how to get in touch with her agent.


Industry Directories: Some entertainment industry directories and websites might have contact information for celebrities and their representatives. However, keep in mind that not all information in these directories is verified, so proceed with caution.


Networking: If you have any connections in the music or entertainment industry, they might be able to provide you with contact information or put you in touch with the right people.


Business Inquiries Email: Look for a dedicated email address for business inquiries or bookings related to Alicia Keys. This information might be available on her official website or other online sources.


Please remember that contacting a celebrity's agent or management might not always guarantee a response, as they receive numerous inquiries. It's essential to be respectful, professional, and concise in your communication. If you are reaching out for a specific purpose, make sure to provide relevant details and explain the nature of your inquiry clearly.


How can I contact Publicist of Alicia Keys?


Some general suggestions on how to contact her publicist:


Official Website or Social Media: Visit Alicia Keys' official website ( or her verified social media accounts. Sometimes, artists provide contact information for media inquiries or press-related matters on their official websites.


Press Inquiries Email: Look for a specific email address designated for press inquiries or media requests. This information might be available on her official website or on her social media profiles.


Entertainment PR Agencies: Alicia Keys' publicist might be associated with a specific PR agency. Try searching for reputable entertainment PR agencies and see if they represent Alicia Keys or have information on how to contact her publicist.


Media Interviews or Events: If Alicia Keys is promoting a new project or participating in interviews or events, the organizers might have contact information for her publicist.


Media Directories: Some media directories and websites compile contact information for celebrities and their representatives. You can check if Alicia Keys' publicist is listed in any such directories.


Networking: If you have any connections in the media or entertainment industry, they might be able to provide you with contact information or help you get in touch with her publicist.


Please remember that publicists and their clients receive numerous inquiries, so it's essential to be respectful, professional, and concise in your communication. If you are reaching out for a specific purpose, make sure to explain the nature of your request clearly. Additionally, keep in mind that contact information for publicists may not be readily available to the general public, and they may prioritize media-related inquiries over other types of messages.



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Alicia Keys Related Queries / Searches


How can I book Alicia Keys?


You can book Alicia Keys by contacting the official agent of Alicia Keys. Booking agent, manager or booking staff will be able to provide you with availability. You can get the contact details for Alicia Keys agent in our Phone Number Database.


How can I contact Alicia Keys management?


The phone number and contact details for Alicia Keys management can be find here at You can get access to all of Alicia Keys contacts by without signing up or without any cost. We are provides Alicia Keys booking agent contact details without any charges.


What is the Alicia Keys booking fee?


You will get complete information through by booking agent. You are informed that you would contact the Alicia Keys agent to get official pricing through our phone number database.


How do I contact Alicia Keys?


 You Can Find and get phone number and contact details at our Database. We have Alicia Keys agent, manager and publicist phone number, by this information you can contact easily to bill.


Top booking agencies / agents


There are some famous booking agencies out there that represent singers. They represent Singers, actors, actresses and sports players. See some of these top booking agencies.


1. Paradigm Talent Agency

2. William Morris Endeavor (WME)

3. Circle Talent Agency

4. Creative Artists Agency (CAA)

5. International Creative Management (ICM)

6. Lustig Talent Enterprises Inc

7. Coda Music Agency

8. Brothers Management Associates

9. Cara Lewis

10. Artist Group International

11. APA - Talent and Literary Agency

12. United Talent Agency

13. American Artists

14. SME Live Nation

15. Primary Talent International (PTI)

16. MGP Live

17. Paradise Artists Inc.

18. Pyramid Entertainment Group


Booking agencies / agents for some famous singers


We have information on some singers and their agents or booking agencies, which we are giving to you, which will give you a little information.


1. Billie Eilish – Coda Music Agency

2. Dua Lipa – Creative Artists Agency (CAA)

3. Ariana Grande – Creative Artists Agency (CAA)

4. Khalid – Cara Lewis

5.  Bruno Mars – William Morris Endeavor (WME)

6. Lewis Capaldi – Coda Music Agency

7. Stormzy – Primary Talent International

8. Chris Pratt - United Talent Agency

9. Kanye West - United Talent Agency

10. Lana Del Rey - Next Model Management

11. Nick Jonas - William Morris Endeavor Entertainment

12. Chaka Khan - United Talent Agency

13. Jessica Alba - Endeavor Agency

14. Kim Kardashian - United Talent Agency

15. Eminem - United Talent Agency


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